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THREE SISTERS RECEIVE MIRACLE HEALING FROM THE LORD One night I received a phone call from a friend of ours who lives on the Navajo reservation. She was scared and asking for prayer for her three grand daughters who she is raising. She told me that the doctors had said all three of the girls had a disease which they were born with and if they didn’t get help they would soon become very ill, ending in a terrible state of emotional and physical distress. She said she would like to come for prayers before taking the girls to the University Hospital in Albuquerque, New Mexico. They arrived late at night, so early the next morning we all prayed for them and bound up every spirit of sickness and every symptom. We also commanded such spirits to leave them and asked the Lord to make all of their blood tests come out negative, showing no sign of disease. The girls also asked for prayer cloths to wear while they were at the hospital and going through the tests. As they left we all believed the Lord would meet them. After they received the results of their tests they called us in great joy. The Lord healed every one of them and their tests came back completely negative. The doctor said that each girl had a clean bill of health with no signs of the disease which had recently been diagnosed. The girls were found to be well thanks to Jesus Christ who by His mercy healed all three of these beautiful little girls. These miracles were done for Virginia Tso and her grand daughters of the Navajo Reservation in northern Arizona. |
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